LaTeX Downloads

Beamer Style Files

The following style files were created for personal use and are not endorsed by Louisiana State University, High Performance Computing @ LSU, Center for Computation & Technology or Lehigh University. Feel free to use or modify them for personal use.

  1. beamercolorthemetigers.sty: Style File for LSU purple and Gold color scheme.
  2. beamerouterthemetigers.sty: Style File for outer theme required LSU theme.
  3. beamerthemeBatonRouge.sty: Style File utilizing LSU color scheme based on the default outer theme.
  4. beamerthemeLSU.sty: Style File utilizing LSU color scheme and the above tigers outer theme.
  5. Beamer Theme for Lehigh University

Beamer Presentation Templates

TeX templates for creating beamer slides using: